Thursday, April 26, 2007

Week 11: Browser Tools

I installed Firefox which was easy and then my choice for an add-on was the "ClickWeather" which is very cool. I'm constantly checking The Weather Network's site but by installing ClickWeather it's right on my browser and even gives me a picture of the moon phase. All I have to do is place my mouse over the temperature information on my tool bar. I like the convenience of not having to go into a web page to get the information. I also installed the 123 Travel Search add-on. I love to travel so it's great to find information on flights, hotels and car rental bookings just at my toolbar.

As for the Morris bookmarklets I downloaded the Journal Title and Title Keyword ones. I then went into another webpage and highlighted a word from a paragraph and inserted in the search engine. I really like this feature and how it brought up all the Morris hits. I could see using this when you're looking through a website and then wonder if we have any books in the library. A very quick, easy way to do the search.

I have to say that all the add-ons I've downloaded I've really liked and found useful. It was a fun way to end our assignments.

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